scope of activities

Our core area of services are: -

  • Estimated capital costs before design and based on early design.

  • Comparative economics of varying designs and layouts.

  • Cost-in-use.

  • Phased programmes of expenditure.

  • Taxation, etc

  • Financial viability.

  • Preparation of cash flow statements.

  • Studies of project feasibility and preparation of reports.

  • Contractual and tendering arrangements.


  • Assistance with budgeting.

  • Advice on specifications.

  • Collaborating direct with client and through Architect or Engineer.

  • Initial cost plans based on budget figures prior to (or irrespective of) any design.

  • Initial cost plans based on overall unit cost assessment of sketch designs.

  • Initial (or revised) cost plans based on measurement of approved early design drawings.

  • Cost checking during development of design against running costs.

  • Incorporation in cost plans of maintenance and/or running costs.

  • Based on Standard Method of Measurement, Civil Engineering and other methods of measurement.

  • Incorporating location rates where required.

  • Using Masterbill, Microsoft packages or other systems as required.

  • Elemental Bills of Quantities as required.

  • Detailed measurement of mechanical and electrical engineering services.


  • Facility Operations and Administrative Services.

  • Energy and Waste Management.

  • Project Management.

  • Service and Supply contracting.

  • Regulations, Standards and Procedures.

  • Continuous Improvement/Audits


Measuring and Billing Term maintenance contracts on Government Buildings of all types. Estimating for future maintenance, programming and providing annual maintenance budgets. Programming and annual budgeting for preventive maintenance.

  • For system building incorporating measured quantities.

  • For “mixed” tendering (i.e. catering for competition between different systems or between systems and traditional).

  • For serial contracts.

  • For two-stage contracts involving the contractor in the design stage. Using for the first stage - approximate quantities.     Preparing analyses of labour, materials, Plants overheads. Preparing performance specifications and cost plans.

  • Cost plus contracts.

  • Preparing documentations and negotiating tenders on Bills of Quantities and for specifications and schedules of works.

  • Providing full Quantity Surveying Services including preparation of briefs, specifications and priced bills or other price bases, negotiation of contract amount, preparing interim valuations and checking and agreeing final accounts.

  • lemental analyses of priced Bills of Quantities before and after tendering procedure.

  • Use of own analyses in cost planning process.

  • Preparation of phased forecasts of expenditure.

  • Preparing periodic financial statements direct to client or through Architect.

  • Preparing interim valuations by normal site measurement or pre-arranged “stage” payments.

  • Preparation of Final Accounts.


Costec Consultants © 2014